New Habits to Create

The beginning of a new month is a fresh start. It’s a great time to reset your routines and implement new habits. 

I have recently been reading through Atomic Habits by James Clear. It has been such a mind opening book. Most of my goals for this month are centered around what he discusses about creating habits. 

You reach your goals through the habits you create. 

Here are a few new habits I am going to start this month. I would love to know what goals you have; let me know in the comments!

Also, keep reading for a FREE downloadable at the end of this post. 🙂 

You reach your goals through the habits you create.

Meditate for 5 minutes in the morning.

I have been meditating sporadically whenever I have the time, but I want to be more consistent about it. It prepares me for my day, and I feel so much more relaxed after just 5 minutes of meditation. I listen to the Morning Ritual podcast on Spotify, which is a series of short meditations, great for beginners. 

Read one chapter a day.

I strongly believe that reading is the gateway to so much knowledge. Whether it’s a novel or biography that you’re reading, there is always something to learn from any book. This month, I am going to read a chapter of Atomic Habits every morning with my coffee. 

Workout 3-4 times a week.

Who else works out really consistently for a week or so, then falls back for a few weeks? That is a constant routine for me. I am aiming to work out just a few times a week for one month, so I will be more likely to stick with it for the months to come. By not forcing myself to workout everyday, I avoid burnout. 

Start my school work early in the week.

Fellow college students, you know what I’m talking about. Assignments aren’t due until Sunday, so I won’t start them until Friday, right? Nope, not anymore! Waiting to do my assignments makes me stressed and unable to enjoy my weekends. So, I am going to start them early in the week to give myself more time to learn. 

Create one blog post a week.

I want to be consistent with my blog, so posting once a week (every Monday) will keep me accountable to create new content. Hopefully all of you will benefit from this habit, too. 🙂 

Create a daily cleaning list.

I just moved into my first apartment, and I am still getting used to this whole cleaning thing. I’ll be really good for a few days, but then life will get crazy and everything is a mess again. I think by creating a list of small things that I do daily, I can prevent the build up of messes. 

Drink 2 liters of water a day.

It’s no secret that drinking more water makes you feel better. There will be some days where I will not drink a whole glass of water until dinner. I am going to use my water bottle to keep track of how much I have drank throughout the day. 

By implementing just a few small habits into my daily life, I I will greatly increase my productivity and happiness. I hope you all will try this out with me! Feel free to steal some of my habits if you would like, or create your own. 

Now let’s talk about how we are going to hold ourselves accountable to actually do our habits everyday. I made this super handy habit tracker that you guys can download for yourself!

I printed mine off and listed all of the habits I want to keep track of. Feel free to print it off and share what your habits are!

Let’s dominate this month and create new, healthy habits. Let me know if you plan on starting one of these with me, or if you have any goals of your own.